Latest from Child Advocates

Stories Related to Fundraisers

| Pull for Kids
Read about the impact made by our supporters. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped us raise nearly $630,000 to break the cycle of child abuse!
| Fundraisers
A super fun time raising money at our 11th annual Superhero Run with over 900 runners!
| Pull for Kids
Read about the impact made by our supporters. Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped us raise over $850,000 to break the cycle of child abuse!
| Fundraisers
Nine teens served by Child Advocates attended this beautiful afternoon, and nearly 400 guests helped raise over $317,000 for Houston's littlest victims.
| Fundraisers
Child Advocates is overjoyed to honor longtime supporter, former Friends of Child Advocates’ president and Lifetime member, Caroline Finkelstein, at our 24th annual Angels of Hope Luncheon and Fashion Presentation.
| Fundraisers
Our 10th annual Superhero Run was nothing short of magical and brought us to $1 million raised since inception!
| Fundraisers
The 2nd Annual Drive for Kids that benefitted Child Advocates was a success!
| Our Children
The holidays were much brighter for over 1,200 children, thanks to Child Advocates' 2021 Santa's Wish List program. Through this program, companies, individuals and volunteers come together to help make the holidays brighter for our children by fulfilling Christmas wishes.
| Our Advocates
Child Advocates is participating in Giving Tuesday on November 30. On this global day of giving, we invite you to help us speak up for abused children in the Houston area. All of us have the potential to make a difference.
| Pull for Kids
Read about the impact made by our supporters. Thanks to everyone who joined us and helped make this event possible! Together we raised over $340,000 to break the cycle of child abuse.
| Our Children
Four-year-old Austin and his infant sister, Amy were found inside a sealed locked car with their mother just minutes after using inhalants.
| Fundraisers
The Montrose Softball League Association (MSLA) goes to bat for the abused and neglected children of Harris County!
| Fundraisers
Twelve teens served by Child Advocates attended this beautiful afternoon, and more than 500 guests helped raise over $350,000 for Houston's littlest victims.
| Fundraisers
Save the date for the largest children's festival in the United States
| Fundraisers
Help us win up to $100,000 from the Chick-fil-A foundation!
| Our Advocates
Meet Diane, a court appointed advocate since 2009 and a monthly donor
| Fundraisers
As we recover from Hurricane Harvey, we are committed to helping Houston's abused and neglected children find safe homes where they can thrive.
| Fundraisers
The Deacons of Deadwood continue their support of Houston's children's charities
| Fundraisers
Local band Backspace hosted their annual benefit concert, benefiting Child Advocates.
| Fundraisers
Eddy De Los Santos and Kimberly Bramlett faced their fear of heights to help raise funds and awareness for our fight against child abuse.
| Fundraisers
Play the Shell Houston Open course before the pros arrive and help local children's charities.
| Fundraisers
Grab your tickets for the largest children's festival in the country!
| Fundraisers
Child Advocates runners complete the 2017 Chevron Houston Marathon and Aramco Half Marathon, raising funds for Houston's littlest victims
| Fundraisers
Join the Friends of Child Advocates for the not to be missed event of the Holiday season.
| Pull for Kids
Guests danced the night away at our Bollywood Themed evening party, "The Garden After the Monsoon", honoring Millie and Mel Anhalt.
| Fundraisers
With a runway presentation, pop up shop and raffle, over 500 guests helped raise funds and awareness for Houston's littlest victims.
| Pull for Kids
Longtime supporter and court appointed advocate volunteer Mark Heeg was honored at "Derby Days", our annual Pull for Kids Classic.
| Fundraisers
Led by Caroline Finkelstein and Stephanie Cockrell, this beautiful afternoon honored loyal supporters Carl Stutts and Tessa Lesley.
| Pull for Kids
Honoring Sheryl and Joel Androphy, the 2014 Pull for Kids Classic raised over $800,000 for Child Advocates.
You may put in a request of a court appointed advocate for any child/children currently in the temporary managing conservatorship of Harris County DFPS.

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To report child abuse, neglect or abandonment, contact the Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline.
Is your company or organization looking for more information on Child Advocates? Let us know and we are happy to come to you and share our mission and stories.

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