Latest from Child Advocates

Stories from 2020

| Our Advocates
Child Advocates present the James A. Gwinn Volunteer of the Year and the Rookie of the Year to two deserving advocates.
| Press Releases
Recently, Child Advocates received a generous gift of $5,000 from the Texas Bar Program.
| Our Advocates
Julie's amazing dedication as an advocate makes her a more than deserving recipient of our October "Volunteer of the Month" award.
| Our Advocates
Jennifer's incredible work and dedication as an advocate is why we recently named her our September "Volunteer of Month"!
| Our Advocates
Advocate Bridgett Matthes is recognized for her incredible work with Houston's abused children
| Our Advocates
Advocates, like Barbara, are committed to being a consistent presence for the children on their cases, serving the best interest of the child, and nothing else.
Grab Bag Masks is donating to our cause with every purchase
| Our Children
Thanks to our many sponsors, more than 466 children are ready to begin the school year
| Our Children
Child Advocates receives a generous donation to provide beds for our children
McDonald’s Houston Children’s Festival Rescheduling to 2021 Due to continued public safety concern regarding Coronavirus
| News
Introducing board member, Leah Barton
| Our Children
| Our Children
| Our Children
| Our Children
| Fundraisers
The Montrose Softball League Association (MSLA) goes to bat for the abused and neglected children of Harris County!
| Newsletters
Fifteen years of support, providing advocacy to more than 30 children.
| Our Advocates
As an advocate of six children on five cases, Jeff is currently working with a 12-year-old boy. After three years as an advocate, Jeff joined the Board of Directors and helping us make an impact in our community.
| Our Children
How the Rothfelders stood by Jenny* during her time in foster care
| Our Children
One little boy finds a constant in the presence of his advocate
| Our Children
Marcus shares with his advocate via FaceTime
| Our Advocates
How our advocates are remaining committed to the children they serve
| Our Advocates
Our response to recent health concerns
Child Advocates Receives a Generous Gift from Night Court
You may put in a request of a court appointed advocate for any child/children currently in the temporary managing conservatorship of Harris County DFPS.

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To report child abuse, neglect or abandonment, contact the Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline.
Is your company or organization looking for more information on Child Advocates? Let us know and we are happy to come to you and share our mission and stories.

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