Help us spread the word on Facebook!
Start a personal fundraiser on Facebook for Child Advocates! Share this on Facebook now to help with our last Giving Tuesday push for funding! Follow the instructions below!
Step 1: Open your Facebook.
Step 2: Go to the Child Advocates Facebook page, which is linked here for reference. **Please ensure that you are on the correct Child Advocates Facebook page that has our orange logo as the profile picture.
Step 3: Near the top of our Facebook page, there will be a "Featured" section with fundraisers and an option to "Raise money" - select this to set up your fundraiser.
Step 4: Now you can customize your fundraiser as much or as little as you would like! We recommend making your fundraising goal $250 and having the fundraiser end within a week from when you start it. You can customize the "why are you raising money" to something personal about our organization or you can leave it with the default message.
Step 5: Press "Create" for your fundraiser to go live!
**If you get close or surpass your goal, please consider updating your goal amount to something higher.**