Honoring our 2022 Rookie of the Year

Child Advocates is thrilled to honor Steven Kochvar as the 2022 Rookie of the Year!
Steven graduated from Advocacy University in September of 2021 and accepted his first case that same day. For the past sixteen months, Steven has worked diligently on behalf of a seventeen-year-old young man with autism, Sam.*
Sam’s case is complicated and involves a plethora of issues and agencies. Despite that, Steven has remained in contact with each of these and has worked diligently to make sure Sam’s best interest is everyone’s top priority.
Steven has gone above and beyond with his involvement in Sam’s education.  A prominent example of this was Steven reaching out to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and inviting them to Sam’s recent Admission, Review and Dismissal meeting.  This agency’s involvement is vital to Sam’s goal of independent living after he turns eighteen.  Bringing the agency into the case has opened opportunities for paid work, summer camps and vocational training. The judge showed confidence in Steven by appointing him the Educational Parent Surrogate. Steven has jumped into the role headfirst, quickly completing the training and contacting multiple individuals involved in Sam’s education. 
Steven has also been incredibly diligent and involved in Sam’s development and wellbeing. Steven played a pivotal role in having Sam evaluated for speech therapy, which everyone involved in the case was astonished to learn had never previously happened.  Steven has also been vigilant with Sam’s medications. He has worked behind the scenes to ensure CPS is having their medical team take a second look at the prescriptions and diagnoses to ensure they are appropriate and necessary, carefully navigating the situation to not step on anyone’s toes. 
One of the things Steven is best at, though, is connecting and communicating with Sam.  He is respectful and thoughtful and meets Sam where he is.  The deep trust and bond between them is evident. 
Although he is a brand-new guardian ad litem, Steven has handled this case thoroughly, efficiently and professionally.  We could not be more grateful for Steven’s dedication and service as an advocate!
*The name has been changed to protect the confidentiality and safety of the open case involving a minor.  
You may put in a request of a court appointed advocate for any child/children currently in the temporary managing conservatorship of Harris County DFPS.

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